Friday, August 29, 2008

segera hindari perkara durjana

Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamiin. WE, the Maktab Sains Lagu Dakwah competitors, have made it to win the trophy. HEE. Well, we were on the verge of being crowned champions, but 0.75% difference made us second place.

The host, Sekolah Menengah Sultan Sharif Ali, was the champion (after a close tie with us, 90%!) for Lagu Dakwah, and Sekolah Menengah Sultan Hassan, Bangar was the champion fr the Nasyid part. For those who don't know, Nasyid is for the girls, and Lagu Dakwah for the boys. And thank you to Hafiz Hapni, Marzuqi, Afif, Nur Muhammad, Hatadi, Azim, Yazakka, Zulmajdi, Yamin, Haji Hadi, Mizan, Syarif, Hadry and YAM Muqtadir. Hee.

But that was last Wednesday. Kay, I think that's it. Oh, I got an A for A. Maths, B for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History and D for French. As in, for my Junes. Boo. Hahaha. Bah. I don't know what else to write. BRUNEI SIOOOK. Hee.

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